
Delete redundant or extra Backups from vps whm backup directory

First we have to open terminal.

Go to WHM and search “Terminal” If you can’t find ask your hosting to make it available there.

Once opened, write below command to go to /backup folder normally data will be there.

cd /backup

To enlist directories use below command:


I found weekly folder, you may also find monthly or daily, you will have to go into those or check their size using below command first and then go to which you wanna delete.

cd weekly

To check space in that files/folders.

du -h

Output which I got below:

176K ./2022-03-06/system/files
71M ./2022-03-06/system/dirs
71M ./2022-03-06/system
32G ./2022-03-06/accounts
32G ./2022-03-06
180K ./2022-03-20/system/files
71M ./2022-03-20/system/dirs
72M ./2022-03-20/system
5.2G ./2022-03-20/accounts
5.3G ./2022-03-20
37G .


I decided to remove march’s backup with all of its contents in it. Going to use RM linux command double check before running it.

rm -rf 2022-03-06

Where rm -rf is the command and next part is directory.

It worked for me and unwanted folder from centos vps’s backup folder has been removed.


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