Science & Nature

Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

The indoor pollutants that affect health are formaldehyde, Volatile Organic Compounds (benzene and trichloroethylene or TCE), airborne biological pollutants, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, pesticides and disinfectants (phenols), and radon. These pollutants contribute to ‘sick building syndrome’, which causes symptoms ranging from allergies, headaches, and fatigue through to nervous-system disorders, cancer and death.
Through studies conducted by NASA, scientists have identified 50 houseplants that remove many of the pollutants and gases mentioned above.

Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen:

Aloe Vera:

ALOE-V-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

In addition to being easy to care for, aloe makes some serious health claims. The plant’s leaves contain a clear liquid full of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other compounds that have wound-healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, and there is some evidence that aloe may help (and is unlikely to hurt) skin conditions like psoriasis.

Gerbera Daisy:

Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) This bright, flowering plant is effective at removing trichloroethylene, which you may bring home with your dry cleaning. It’s also good for filtering out the benzene that comes with inks. Add one to your laundry room or bedroom — presuming you can give it lots of light.Gerberas (sometimes called gerber daisies) like well-drained soil, so be sure pots have drainage holes.

Peace Lily:

PEACE-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Easy to grow, these plants will flower for much of the summer. Just be aware that those flowers (like all flowers) do contribute some pollen and floral scents to the air, so you may want to avoid having a room full of them. Put peace lilies in a shady spot and keep the soil moist without over watering.This hardy plant also tolerates neglect. For best results, the Peace Lily should be thoroughly watered, then allowed to go moderately dry between waterings.

Rubber Plant:

RUBBER-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

While rubber plants (Ficus robusta) are grown as easy-care houseplants, they also improve indoor air quality, according to studies conducted by NASA. Their large leaves can absorb airborne chemicals and break them down, rendering them harmless. They absorb exhaled carbon dioxide and convert it to breathable oxygen.While rubber plants prefer semi-sunlight to semi-shade, they will tolerate dim lighting, making them extremely easy to situate. Avoid direct sunlight, however, especially in summer. In dry, centrally heated rooms, watch for scale insects, spider mites, and thrips..

Snake Plant:

SNAKE-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

The Snake Plantcleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide.The Snake Plant cleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. Additionally, it emits oxygen and filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. When placed in office and home spaces Snake Plants can assist in increasing productivity, decreasing stress, fostering happy vibes and enriching overall well-being and health.

Weeping Fig:

WEEPIN-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Though the ficus is a tree in its native home of southeast Asia, when it grows indoors, it’s a hardy plant that ends up being between two and 10 feet tall. So why not get figgy with it? Grow this low-maintenance houseplant in bright, indirect light and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

Garden Mum:

GARDEN-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

In the NASA research, this plant was an air-purifying champion, removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air. Popular and inexpensive at garden stores, they can be planted outside after they’re finished blooming.

Spider Plant:

SPIDER-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Spider plant or Chlorophytum comosum is an ornamental indoor plant native of Africa. This plant is extremely important both because of its indoor air purifying capacity and medicinal properties. Spider plant basically is a small herb reach upro 2 feet with tuberous rhizomes.It is anti-cancerous,healthy liver, protential preboitic etc.


Dracaena-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification. It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. These chemicals cause health problems like headaches, respiratory problems, anemia, marrow disease, kidney disease among others.

Boston Fern:

BOSTON-Top 10 Indoor Plants that Produce the most Oxygen

Boston ferns are the oldest plant on the earth. This plant is an aid to aesthetics. And it is useful in removing many harmful air pollutants. from the environment. It is also known as Air filter plant. Treated wood, paint, carpet, furniture and cleaning products release these chemicals.


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