
List of news channels whatsapp number in Pakistan

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Talking about the List of news channels whatsapp number in Pakistan, First we have to know about the group types.Generally all media houses mainly TV News Channels has 2 type of Whatsapp Group.

List of news channels whatsapp number in Pakistan

1st Whatsapp group is fully driven by a bot arrangements, where any one can get upto dated news alert by including that particular Bot Whatsapp Number as in Whatsapp Contact list & then to activate that service she / he needs to send 1 / 2 specific bot command ( usually these bot commands are either NEWS OR SUBS ) from his / her own Whatsapp handle . On each specific news website you can get Instant Messaging Bot Subscription option.

2nd kind of Whatsapp group is strictly for the communicating within journalists / editors associated with that news channel . In fact in most of all cases each team in every vertical has their own very very private Whatsapp group . SSome time for any very serious assignment that kind of group conversation has to be done on SIGNAL insta messenger app .

List of news channels whatsapp number in Pakistan:

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Are you looking for best and full active news whatsapp group link for 2019 if yes then you are landed in the right place where your searching will end at this amazing post.

Most welcome at our platform for joining a lot of latest active whatsapp group, select a lot of amazing whatsapp group names, download best and beautiful whatsapp DPs, and much more related to whatsapp stuff. Nowadays everyone wants to be updated with the current situation in the world whether it’s internationally or nationally. Peoples want to get all newspapers or news videos at one place like news whatsapp group and peoples don’t have time or money for buying every newspaper or spend time at an everyone newspaper so, therefore we are brought to you the best and active news whatsapp group link, numbers for 2019.

Here in this Pakistani WhatsApp groups list, you will find all the groups related to Pakistan only like Pakistani educational WhatsApp groups, Pakistani job WhatsApp groups, Random Pakistani WhatsApp groups and much more. So if you are from Pakistan then only join these groups and make sure you don’t spam the groups with unnecessary messages. If you have any Pakistani educational or job groups then do share the links in the comment section via submition form.

Various news channel are working in Pakistan in that case you can get every newspaper in PDF form in your Pakistani news whatsapp group where you can download it and enjoy.


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